Name: Noah Deck
Age: 28
Birthplace: Danville, IL
Western zodiac: Libra
Eastern zodiac: Boar
Virtues: Tolerance, even-keeled, forgiving, humility, restraint
Vices: Lethargy, indifference, detachment, caffeine addiction, waning nicotene addiction
Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Melodica, Piano
Other projects: n/a
Day job: Guitar instructor & full-time student
Favorite bands: Nick Drake, Monolake, King Crimson, Momus, Velvet Underground
Favorite movies: A Fistful of Dollars, Princess Bride, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Cool Hand Luke, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Favorite books: Siddhartha, Cat's Crade, Pickman's Model, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Don Quixote
Favorite games: Gradius III, Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World, Metal Gear Solid, Go, Uno
Biggest musical influence: John Balance
Favorite Piasa song: Dreamcatcher
Outside interests: ambient sound, black and white photography, foxes, sleeping, rain, tabletop gaming